
coaster mini album

january's kit from wip kits was...different for me.
i found it challenging.
don't get me wrong.
i love kraft. it's a go to element for me.
and the yellow, grey and damask that was included with the kit was gorgeous! i mean, gorgeous.
and of course i wanted to work it all.
but for the coaster mini, i stuck with the kraft for a thematic look.
sort of rustic, which went with these photos from the stables.

stitching enhanced the natural look i was going for too. so each of the background papers is sewed down in place, in a random fashion.

the edges are all about my 'sticking out' elements. love me a mini with paper goodness peeking out over the edge. it evokes a deeper look.

the coasters, all 4x4, are bound by masking tape. good old fashion wide masking tape absconded
from my husbands work bench. wonder if he notices it's missing yet.

the inside pages follow a theme. the left side of the layout houses a simple embellishment.

the right side of the layout focuses on the photo. the background cardstock is trimmed to about 3 3/4 inches. the corners were rounded. and the edges were distressed. before attaching it to the coaster, the coaster edges were aged. the card stock piece was sewed before adhering to the coaster page. i did not want to challenge my machine by sewing through the, although thin, chipboard. it's just better if me and the machine don't tangle too much.

we were out at the stables in december. right smack in the middle of a cold snap. and snappy it was. the girls, they proved to me, that if you love something enough, you will hang in there, despite the obstacle. and the cold, was indeed, an obstacle. one of the coldest days of the month. but their love for being outdoors, being with friends, and being with the horses, over came their own personal discomfort. i loved that about them that day.

this project is in itself, overcoming an obstacle. as i spoke of before, i can get hung up on papers and colors and perfection. but i just decided to plow into this one. timing was not perfect either. but deadlines are good in my life. i need that accountability. those too help me overcome the need for perfection.

ah! a gift...i must go write that down in my book of gifts...and that, my friends, is for another post...


  1. totally love the natural look to thi s one!

  2. love the idea.. next i'll pinch some more coaster from the hotel while dining..,hahaa..
