
catching up...december daily

hello friends...someone recently commented they had not seen me around much...
i am simply behind in my life.
that's all.
but here is a little peek into what is going on with the december daily.
the tradition for Day1 is to have a family photo.
love this idea.
this is what our's will look like this year::

still need to play with the formatting a little as we look a bit too small.

to answer a few question about my book that i introduced here::
the cover is 6 1/2 x 9.
it is covered in canvas.
the inside pages will vary from anywhere between 6x8 1/4 to 5 1/2 x 8.
i like the variation of different sizes going on inside.
and there is nothing original here, like...at all! so please take from this book any inspiration that will let your book be the book it should be.

yesterday RhonnaDESIGNS had some fabulous creative team tuesday inspo. go check it out.

hoping your Christmas celebration is less hectic than mine.

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