

Few people are blessed as much I am with the gifts of not only one life long friend...
but two life long friends...
we have laughed together,
& cried together.
taken chances together...
played it safe together.
we have endured death together...
and celebrated lives born.
we hold one another accountable...
as well as allow lots of grace to flow.
we've been angry...
and made up.
but most of all we have been the wings beneath each other's wings through the days of our lives.

today we celebrate my friend bren with a significant birthday...
bren...i am so proud of you for taking chances and going after what you want...
thank you for truly being the wind and breath of air i have needed through the many chapters of my life...
i love you and don't know what i would do without you!


  1. very sweet - you are doubly blessed!

  2. beautiful! I feel the same about friendship. And I am one of those people blessed like you, to have at least two very good friends I have been through everything with, from teenage heartbreaks, to engagement, marriage, divorce (not me, the friend) pregnancy, and the death of loved ones. TO have a friend from when you are a teenager and to go through life with them at your side is the next most amazing thing to marriage and watching your children grow up.

    Thanks for sharing Jaime!
