
friday, friday....so good to me.

Friday today...
but Monday is coming and the academic year will begin...

but for today, let's remember the summer. and all that it held.
July4 is a big deal around here and this neighborhood. Lots of friends. Lots of neighbors. Lots of  food. Lots of celebration. And, of course, lots of photos.

Sticking with some thematic work with the August Work in Progress and that is getting lots of photos on a page. Telling a big story. Making it an even layout indeed. But I am just loving the idea of having lots of photos to tell that story all in one place.

And yet again...(here is the snag)...another summer happening and not a Mom photo to be found. What are ya going to do?

Enjoy your weekend...the summer weekends are waning...our weekend we will be enjoying the pool and a possible hike.


  1. You must shove the camera into someone's hands and insist they don't take their finger off the shutter until you are happy with the photos you see of yourself :)

    This looks good. I have gots to think about doing something like this, the square look is just so terrific, and I'm not just saying it. I really need to...

  2. 28 photos on one page!!!!!!!! Wow! And it doesn't even look crowded!!! Fabulous Jamie!
    PS: I'm with Jing-Jing: it's a shame you're not in a least one them!! :(

  3. how can school be starting monday?! i am ready and not ready love the photo layout!

  4. We need YOU in the picture Jamie dear!!!!! Absolutely!!!!
    Lovely page, perfect embellies and background!
    It's a keeper ;o)

  5. my new fav of yours Jamie......this is just totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog... I wanted to answer your question and let you know that the embellishments are not mine, they are the RAK that Miss Smith (link on my blog) are offering in her "exchange") - Feel free to sign up too!
