
delayed post

Hello friends....

First off I have to share a very special thing from yesterday...
Alexandra nominated me for this style award:

It says 'i like your style'.
I think Alexandra and I belong to the 'mutual admiration club'. She always inspires me, and she claims I inspire her. Which is such a sweet thing to me. So, in light of this inspiration, she awarded me the above honor.
The rules to accepting this award are as follows::
1. by accepting this award, I acknowledge that the person who gave it, loves my work.
2. I agree to post the award on my blog (see above), and link to the person who gave it to me. That would be Alexandra.
3. then in turn I too share it with 5 other people.

I award 'j`aime ton style' to the following::
Alexandra...I can't help it.
Audrey...her cards always get me.
Becky...her photography is amazing.
Debee...the style this girl puts out never ceases to amaze me.
Rhonna...she just inspires me on so many levels daily.

Fun stuff.

Then as I was editing and organizing my files that have been left to themselves for too long, I realized I never posted my Father's Day gift to my Dad. I did a post over at Work In Progress on the first of June...but neglected my friends here. And I apologize. So with out further ado, (and if you have seen this before...I will post some new items later this week)::

 The Basic Grey Life of the Party patterned wood grain paper is the most beautiful wood paper I have ever used. I went and bought more and stashed it. I know! But I love the feel of this 'door' into a story from the past. The story of me, a little girl, and him, my daddy.

 What is it about tags, tickets, banners, and journal spots that gets me when I see them peeking out from everywhere. The layering in this book may not have been appreciated by my Dad, but I adore it...and am abstaining from taking it back.

 More layers. The pages followed a pattern. You should be able to pick up on it as you look at the rest of the book. It's just easier and more do-able to do mini-albums with a pattern in mind. Once I knew where my vision was taking me with this book, it then came together so well. I encourage you to do the same for your next mini album. And then bless someone with it as a gift.

 I added alot of words to this book. I obviously do not know the stories here. But the photos evoked a certain level of emotion in me that I then allowed to evolve into words.

You know how it feels when you put a project together, and the level of satisfaction causes you to go and look at it over and over again. I love that feeling. It means so much to me. I left this book out  on a shelf until I had gave it to my Dad for Father's Day. It pleased me to gift him this way.

Now, off to make my own version.


  1. Yes, that feeling... and I can totally look at this project over and over again!!!!! woohoo on your award :)

  2. Wow Jamie, a totally beautiful book you have created!!

  3. This is beautiful Jamie! It exudes love and tenderness! I love the color combo you chose and the overall design! And I have to agree with Alexandra: you totally deserve this award! :D

  4. Okay Jamie, now you got me all teary-eyed....{sigh}....
    ....words cannot express how grateful and fortunate I feel.

    You are amazing and a blessing to even the people who have only virtually met you.

    Does it sound completely insane to say that if I had to be a Dad, I'd want to have a daughter JUST like YOU?

    I think you understand...

    Hugs ~

  5. Congrats on your award. I just love the vintage feel of this!

  6. OH wow how fabulous is this, the amount of detail and love obviously gone into it is amazing!!!!!!!

  7. ooo what a great idea! i will have to remember this for next year!!

  8. Jamie! I can't even explain how much this means to me! Thank you SO much!

    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  9. Awww, what a beautiful and heartfelt album, Jamie! I bet your dad just loved it. Makes me all choked up just looking at it. You just rule the mini albums, my friend.
    And thank you so, so much for passing along your award to me. I am so honored that you would feel that I inspire you in any way, as you truly inspire me. Thank you. :)

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