
May OLW Blog Hop

Welcome to the May 1 edition of One Little Word Blog Hop.
If you have just now joined in, well there are a whole lot of blogs ahead of mine you might want to go visit. Juststart here: Margie .
And if you have followed from Cindy, I am so glad you did not stop and hopped over here to me!

Note To Self. I am so glad for the OLW monthly blog hop. Mostly for the way it keeps me accountable to my commitment from the begin of the year and each month thereafter. And this month I needed the push for sure. If there was a month I would have fallen off the wagon with my word, it would have been April. The busy-ness of life caught up in many ways. And I needed help to be reminded of my word: pray.
This month the prompt was to literally create a 'note to self '. To focus and be real with where I am right now. And to write me a note about where I hope to be a year from now. It's very hard for me to look a year ahead. Very hard. Good for Ali, again taking me out of my comfort zone.
The note to me for where I hope to be, is in the envelope I made. It is to be read a year from now. And I did not want to look at it until then. The was a very personal prompt this year. The most personal thus far. And will probably be the most shaping activity my word will take. At the time this is painful. But I am putting  hope in my word by doing this, and pray it will work to a good end.

If you are interested in more of this project, you'll find it here.

Thank you for visiting today. Hoping you are staying true to your word.
For the next stop on our hop, please go and visit Karen D. She'll be happy you did.


  1. Happy you could join the blog hop. Looking forward to reading more about your journey in the future. I really like the envelope you made for your letter. I just put mine in a manila envelope as inspiration did not strike me at the time.

  2. Your minis always have that extremely artistic look about them, very Ali like. lovely indeed!

  3. Love the color you chose for your envelope.

  4. Gorgeous work and I really like that self-portrait.

  5. beautiful work. love how you altered the tabs on the envelope.

  6. Lovely page. Your self portrait is great. Ali does have a way of getting us out of our comfort zones. That's one of the great things about her.

  7. Your album is gorgeous! I especially love that envelope you made. Makes me want to get caught up =)

  8. I agree on the comfort zone bit! Your page is so nicely done, thanks for sharing!

  9. Your thoughts echo mine about the April assignment. It was hard and close to home, but worthwhile. Kudos to you!

  10. love your finished pages and your photo! i expecially love the addition of an envelope for the second half of your letter.

  11. Thank you for sharing! Excellent idea for the envelope for next years portion of the letter.

  12. I also found this very personal and painful this month. But you did it and I love the envelope.

  13. Your overall page look really grabbed me. The colors are wonderful!

  14. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Love your envelope and ties. xoxo

  15. Hi Jamie, I am so late to visiting the blog hop this month. So sorry! I love your album - it is looking beautiful. I am so glad you have joined in again this month and it makes me so happy to hear that it is helping to keep you current with your projects! It does the same thing for me too. Thanks for joining in again.
