
digitally simple

As I tell the story of the little mr.'s first day of life, I knew I wanted to tell it via photos. Many photos. Few words. With the help of Kate Teague's Just the Photos3 , I simply told the story of today with her easy layered template. Once those were in place I added my own date text, as well as some Ali Edwards digital elements.

One of the first digital stamps I purchased from Ali Edwards was The Story Word Art. It has become another one of those go to tools for me. Especially when I want the story simply stated. The stamps that are included in this kit are timeless, and always seem to add the right touch.

On the second page of the digital layout is a stamp called Capturing the Moments of Life. It was a freebie element she gave away, but I cannot find the link to it right now. If I do, I will post the link.

I kept the background of this layout white and clean. After adding photos, and digital stamps, I uploaded the jpg to Persnickety Prints.

Persnickety Prints!

This company is fast becoming my new favorite resource for printing enlargements. I have an epson I use at home for printing photos, but when it comes to enlargements, and even 12x12 digital layouts, I think I am going to stick with them for fantastic print quality.

When the prints arrived in the post, I simply placed them in my 12x12 3-ring binder album, and had what I think is an awesome look at the beautiful day when number five came to be in my arms.

Thanks for stopping by today...tomorrow the baby story continues.


1 comment:

  1. What a rich post Jamie!
    Thank you for sharing, I've really enjoyed it and your layouts are great!
