
60+ fun days of summer

go to a water park
better yet, host a water gun fight in the back yard
make sno-cones
have a picnic
make fun picnic ware
start a nature journal
visit the zoo
make homemade ice cream
(create a new summer flavor)
throw a block party
make sidewalk chalk art
learn how to hula-hoop
hike a new trail
create root beer floats
find a park you have never visited
have a neighborhood scavenger hunt
go geo-caching
build a fire pit of an evening
have a tea party with friends and tell stories
visit your local botanical garden
create a watermelon basket
go for a bike ride
concoct your own homemade smoothies
create a mixed media summer poster
go on a boat ride
smore's over a campfire
watch a fire works display
volunteer to help a neighbor
visit a local historic site
grill breakfast
throw a block party
make festive patio decorations
visit a water fall
plant pumpkins for the fall
create an ice cream sundae bar and have a summer party
play croquet
make a banner
dance in the sprinklers
eat outdoors as often as possible
make homemade lemonade
make a years worth of birthday cards and file them away by month
go fly a kite
watch an outdoor movie
play in the rain

make a list of local places you have yet to visit, and visit them
create a list of books to read
create a list for books you HAVE read this summer
join a library or book store reading program
try a new recipe on the grill
go swimming
take an evening walk with a flashlight
camp out in the backyard
make a fresh strawberry pie
scrapbook a road trip
organize papers and art projects into a scrapbook from the school year
paint festive t-shirts
make up carnival games and have a backyard carnival
journal the summer
create a diorama of your vacation
freeze juice pops for a fruity, icy treat
check out martha's 60 summer ideas for kids
and lastly...
make up your own list of things to do this summer.
(posted today at WIP)

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