
good morning

{yes...this was breakfast this morning}

Actually I think it is already the afternoon…
except perhaps on the west coast.

Was away all weekend at a scrapping retreat with my sister up in the mountains.
It was a wonderful time.
Getting caught up on some album re-organizing. My goal is to get this project done before baby…
along with all the other before baby projects I want to get done::
paint new studio space
move into new studio space
paint nursery
buy crib
decorate nursery
find the perfect rocker
paint the girls bathroom…

No worries…I won’t be doing the painting…but a whole lot of directing for sure.

So while I am adjusting to being back into the swing of things…
and cooking again (we eat so fabulously at retreat!),
I just wanted to say hello to you all.

Will be sharing projects from the weekend later in the week.


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