there was monday.
great, great sunday.
services were awesome, joyful, extremely full of worship. already Sundays are celebratory days of community worship bringing praise to our Redeemer...
but then Easter Sunday is like icing on the cake!
the rest of the day was spent with friends and family eating, hunting, laughing, simply time together.
food included traditional ham...
my mom's scrumptious cheesy scallop potatoes!
spinach strawberry salad (recipe to come soon)
deviled eggs
fresh veggies...
just to mention a few.
and then the ever popular berry trifle...
lemon poppy seed cake...
and toffee matza...
food just makes for wonderful celebration time.
today is back to reality...
school studies
desk work
you know the routine...
nice to have had such a great weekend to bounce into another week.
and a retreat is waiting for me on the other end...so looking forward to that.
here's a sneak for May over at WIP...did ya see those yummy bingo cards? fun stuff!
Greetings my Friend <3