
this week

after a week on the couch dealing with some cold/flu thing, i am once again very thankful for good health. although i am still dealing with a nasal thing, my energy is slowly coming back and i am starting to feel like me again. which is sort of dangerous. while resting, i took to doing some computer purging and organizing of my way too many files. as much as i love to purge and de-clutter my home, i forget and neglect my laptop way too often. but with the new year, it's a great time to sort and organize, and even delete (gasp!) old photos and digi files that are really no longer needed. as well as be better about backing up said photos and digi elements and documents. while i am not done with the task, it is well on it's way, and i am feeling better about that.

but the real danger comes in sitting around and staring at my furniture and walls. so, while sitting, i researched and read up on how to orient my furniture better than what it was. i finished reading Lauri Wards, Use What You Have Decorating. It's a bit of an old book, but there were many classic ideas in there that i plotted out, and then put to work on saturday. the problem with using what you have, and taking assessories and furniture from other rooms, to make work in another part of the house, is that then you have a stripped room, that you need to then to buy for THAT room. such a problem.



this is all so baby related. while we already have a house of four very busy children, the need and desire to scale down and simplify the system already in place seems to loom even larger. if i can get a room to 'work', then i can stop fiddling with it and move on. when i get a system in place of organization and clutter control, then one just needs to make sure it is maintained, and that way the out of control monster can be kept at bay.

o.k...so, that was a bit of rambling. maybe perhaps that will be helpful to someone. it's just where i am right now. being creative in my home, making things work better, thinking ahead on how to fit this new little one into our existing home and life.

tan brush

now onto some studio creativity...

the february gallery at work in progress is live today...

here are two of my projects up close and personal.

i will share my fav tomorrow...

wind beneath my wings

love, love that gold rub-on from jenni bowlin. i added it to vellum as i wanted it to have a light and airy feel. the american craft letters were painted with making memories pearl glaze to lighten their yellow effect. this photo and the story behind it so celebrates these two women in my life, taken 2 weeks after our last child was born. very special to me.


real simple grid layout here of a few photos from thanskgiving. more elements from the wip project kit. fun and simple.

thanks for visiting today...

back tomorrow!


  1. Dear Jamie,

    So Thankful you're feeling better ;-)
    Love your before & after picture ( it was pretty clutter-free before :-D)
    Your 2 L.Os are great, that butterfly is stunning and I really like hoe you've placed a very simple tag underneath it to accentuate its beauty even more. The second one is wonderful as well, these squares are softened by the hand-drawn lines and the circles in the background, very interesting indeed!
    I can't wait to see more ;-)


  2. jamie,
    I'm sorry you were under the weather and glad to hear you are felling better.
    I really love your scrap pages. the butterfly is so pretty. And the backrounds really add a wonderful dimension to these pieces.
    your work is an inspiration!
