
october sneak peek

look at all that color for october's work in progress kit. oh!!! and can you see the green wood print paper!!!! i'm loving that for sure....


  1. Those colors are so yummy and a little uncommon - love those little cards and tickets too.

  2. Oh I just bought the mini pack of Papers at Archiver's on Saturday!
    Can't wait to see what you'll make with all these goodies! That chartreuse green complements the p.p so well!
    ( I love the black Hollow effect around your pic. I don't remember the proper term for it, I wish I knew how to do that with my iMac, I've tried but ...)

  3. alexandra:
    trish took the kit photo.
    she uses picnik and online photo editor.
    the technique is called 'vignette'.
    it really makes her photos pop.
