
happy birthday, daddy!

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday. He turned 64. I love my Dad. I love him very much. He is not Superman, or Hercules, or some popular superhero of the day.
He's my Dad.
He's a man of class. He sees a thing, he plans and devises it, and goes after it intent on success.
He's my Dad.
He's a man of God. He's faithful in prayer, belief, hope, and service.
He's a family man. He's at his best when family is near. He serves selflessly. He leads by example.
He's my Dad.
God knew just what I would need, not only as a growing adolescent. But as a women attempting to be a person of God, a mother and wife to her family, a person with some modicum of class.
God knew...
Dad, you have loved me as long as I have lived, but I have loved you my whole life.

Happy Birthday!


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