
goin' green

i have discovered a new fun blog via one of the visitors to this blog. nathalie drops by every once in a while. and i do the same and visit her blog. she had a great tutorial up the other day, that i wanted to try. she dubbed it " 'Green' Altered Vertical Organizer". She used a priority box, and turned it into a great holder of 'things'. not only do i love 'holders of things', but i love to use what i have. and i have plenty of these boxes hangin' around here.

i won't go into the details of the tutorial. if you are interested go and visit her site. for my version, i used a smaller box. i only painted around the edges where the paper would not cover. i used a digi paper kit from rhonna farrer for the paper. and then of course some thickers from a/c for the letters. it now sits proudly in my daughters room holding her cherished american girl doll catalogs. she loves it.

thanks so much for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Your organizer looks fantastic Jamie! I love the colors you used! Hey, it even makes me want to make more! :P
    Also, a big thank you for mentioning my tutorial!
