
'our 09'

that is the name of the album that is sort of a project-365. the idea for this chronological album started taking shape in december when i was putting layouts together for the zany zinnia gallery using jenni bowlin inspired papers in the all our yesterdays kit.

the cover page is of the kids currently.

this page is followed up by a layout of each of the children that includes a large journaling format on the back of their page that writes of their past year, and then some future goals. it is my expanded version of what a christmas letter would say, if i sent out christmas letters. love this idea as it allows me to capture in one place what is going on in each of their lives. i know i will also enjoy looking a year from now through this book and having all that information in one place.

for the month of january the format will be done in black, cream and red. again, this was inspired by the zz dec kit. this works for a couple of reasons

keeps the month consistent and congruent in look. not each of the layouts is at all the same, but the color scheme helps keep the month streamlined.

and, it's a great way to kill a kit. i love to use up all the parts of my kits...if i don't use them up in the first month, i am finding that i really do not visit them again. so to help keep clutter in my create space under control, and to keep product new and fresh, i think this will be a great way to use up all those wonderful goodies.
that's all for today. thank you for visiting.


  1. GREAT idea, Jamie! Love your individual layouts!

  2. i LOVE all these simple pages...that album is going to be fantastic! what a great idea!

    thanks for stopping by my blog! i'll have to look for you in simply handmade!! congrats!

  3. I love the simplicity of these layouts!! They are GREAT!
