
journaling the month.

a few more photos of this year's december daily. just can't tell you how much i have enjoyed this documenting of these very busy days. no matter how i plan, the month is still so very busy. the days truly become a blur. it makes the season matter more, even if it is just taking cute pictures of my kiddos. they will not for long be this size or age...and i know i will miss it when they are not.
hope you too have had a chance to journal some of your month. it is so much more than all the activities of december 25th.

ali e's digital journaling kits have been a great addition to this book. picked up a few of her pieces from designer digitals even this week, and am very drawn toward them. go check them out.

hope you are getting all your holiday preparations completed...or at least almost.


  1. Way to keep up the great work!! The album looks great!

  2. Oh, JAMIE!!!

    I LOVE your December Daily and how it is all turning out for you!! As always, love all your work...

    I hope you and your family are in the midst of all that Christmas brings. Merry Christmas to you all my friend!!

  3. Your book is very sweet and tells the story of your Christmas month. It is so very YOU...I can tell that these type of books seem to suit you more now than the larger scrap books.

  4. love your dec daily book. I've been working on one too. Aren't they fun? Great blog!
