
i'm back....

whew...i made it...three days and no modem...and i made it. it was a strange good break, however. but now i am back, and lots to do.

been gettin' scrappy with some cards. you know, i really started this hobby way back in the dark ages by stamping and making cards. i still love to do this. it is immediate gratification to make up a simple little card. getting to use some of my fav papers and then passing them on to someone else is many things. it gets me creative. i make myself use up scraps of kits and such. and to pass it on via snail mail is a lost art to many, and such a huge blessing to the recipient. we all love mail. and i have a few cards here that were easy to put together. they are all, what i call, scrappy goodness. literally scraps of this and that lying on my (always in a state of chaos) table. i sometimes use the last layout as a sketch scheme and that makes the process even quicker.

the other day, my girlfriend who was visiting for a week was so proud of me. we took off for the day and shopped for almost 12 hours! that might not be a big deal to anyone...but for this post-retail manager...it is a deal! i do not enjoy shopping...unless it is for scrappy goodness...i am good for quick little spirts and then let's get on to somethin' else. however, this day was different as she was visiting, and my husband took the day off to stay with the kids so i could go unfettered (how great is that?) anyway, we stumbled upon some great antique-y and cottage-y shops just about an hour from home. i came across this little sweet shutter. as my creative loft is a bit in shambles (basement is getting finished and then the upstairs room will be all mine...smiles!) the shutter will have to wait for a very special place in my space. so the question is...should i just clean it up and leave as is...? or do a bit of painting and distress it more? hmmm...anyone?

came upon this little find in the dollar spot at target for $2.50 (since when did they start putting things more expensive than a dollar in the dollar spot?). anyway, i am going to have to be inspired by emily over at 3peas design with her creative altering of a similar product. school is about to start, and routine and orgainization are desperately needed in the pate household once again. and if it can be cute and beautiful at the same time, it makes me smile.

have a most wonderful sunday...thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog (the one with the cowgirl card). I could have wrote your post - I've just gotten back into card making and it is such a creative kick. All the cards I've made are from scraps left over from LOs or kits.

    Doesn't it feel great to use the bits and pieces up and make people happy?

    Your cards are terrific.

  2. I love your cards....love them!

  3. Hi there Ms. J.
    Love the cards. I have a thing about cards...I love them. I have always thought that a card is more personal and even more special than a gift...(most of the time!!!)!!!LOl. I began this hobby as a scrapbooker but have got the card bug in me lately. They are so easy to make and the gratification really is instant... smile....gotta love that.
    Sent you an email..think it was to your sisters place...let me know.

  4. love your cards! wish I loved to make them!! :)

  5. Cute cute cards! I love that last one with the Pink Paislee! And those shutters are such a treasure... I say distress! ;)
