
last day of july...

wow has this summer blown by...not that it's over yet...but when july is gone, the year is officially more than half way over...i have been loving this summer.

over at willow traders i have been participating in LoAD...that would be layout a day challenge hosted by candace and tali. it's been fun plugging along with a few of the willows. i have had to sew on my layout...i like the look but so very rarely do this. i have had to use red white and blue...not what i would call my go to colors, but it worked. and today was black and white. it was one of those layouts that just kept coming together, and then i would get all excited and keep adding to it...and it just made for a fun time of scrapping...following in the big picture way of punching 2x2 photos of extra pics that you don't know what you are going to do with...well i had started doing that of my sister of photos i had of her when she was in highschool...the wonderful 80's...so i went a scoured a few more and it made this layout happy. love how it came together. i may have to do more black and whites. and can we say product? i used several different items of stash laying around here...but here's the layout:

(i do not know why that photo looks pixelated when i post it online...happened at willow traders too...anyone have any idea?)

my sister came upon this at our lss the other night (yes, we actually got to get out, just us two...no kids...nothin' but scrapbook loot and coffee...). she was on the lookout for some new embellies and found these adorable american craft paper blossoms...
they are just a really sweet product...will have to get more of these...used a white one in the layout above.

also today over at work in progress, amy, one of the new dt's linked several of her fav places to visit for eye candy and inspiration. can't wait to take time to peruse some of her finds.

isn't this a great hobby?

enjoy this last day of august in a cool way...thanks for visiting.


  1. Hmmm, your layout looks fine to me (you must have fixed it or it was your computer?). You are doing such wonderful work in the challenge... thanks for playing along! And, sister-time with coffee and scrappy-goodness - sounds heavenly! So it's good-bye to July... maybe I'll go name that my post...

  2. love the 80's layout love the hat picture reminds me of Molly Ringwald(sp?) and love the AC flowers!
